Tournament Application Form

Herb House U13 A tournament application

Cost: $1600 (minimum of 4 games

Date: December 27-30, 2024

Teams: Up to 10 U13 A teams (No body checking)

Please Note:
  • Canadian teams from outside BC are subject to an additional fee of $50CAD
  • Teams from outside of Canada are subject to an additional fee of $100CAD

I would like to submit an application for acceptance into the Herb House Memorial U13 A Tournament.

I understand that this application does not constitute automatic acceptance into the tournament. Upon receipt of the completed application AND full payment of the entry fee, the NWMHA Tournament Director will confirm receipt of the application and your team's participation.

For all refunds requested over 90 days in advance of the start of the tournament:
  • Full refund
For all refunds requested within 90 days of the start date of the tournament:
  • 50% refund if cancelled between 60-90 days from start of tournament
  • 25% refund if cancelled between 46-59 days from start of tournament
  • No refund if cancelled 45 days or less away from start of tournament
The tournament director may provide a full refund for withdrawals 46-90 days in advance of the start of the tournament IF a suitable replacement team can found.

In consideration of being accepted to participate in the New Westminster Minor Hockey Tournament, related events and activities, the unsigned acknowledgement and agrees on behalf of the attending team the New Westminster Minor Hockey Association will not be held responsible for any accidents, injuries, or loss however caused and hereby releases and other participants, arena officials and owners, sponsors and advertisers with the respect to any and all injured, disabled, or loss to person or property, whether caused by the negligence of the releases or otherwise. This name and address will be the exclusive contact between the team and NWMHA tournaments.

By submitting this form and by capturing my IP address (your IP address is:, I am agreeing to abide by the rules and regulations set out by the NWMHA.

Tournament Permission Number:


* fields required

We will accept E-Transfer or cheques for payment.
Please contact the Tournament Coordinator for E-Transfer details.

Please send cheques to:

New West Minor Hockey Association
Attention - Rosshi Naiker
PO Box 456
New Westminster
V3L 4Y8

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